Music for Dementia is run by the Utley Foundation a private charitable trust. Our trustees witnessed the life-changing effect music has on people living with dementia and we have been campaigning to make music an integral part of dementia care ever since. We do this by:
Spreading the word
Families need to know music can help. You might have heard our charity single Thank You For Being A Friend by singing legend Tony Christie and Sting, or seen us talking about music and dementia on TV or radio. Our award winning radio station streams ad free music for people living with dementia – why not give it a go?
Campaigning for policy change
We believe music should be an integral part of dementia care. We co-wrote the ground-breaking Power of Music report with UK Music and co-founded the cross-sector Power of Music consortium now working to deliver the recommendations.
Getting extra funds to music and dementia initiatives
The Utley Foundation has invested almost £4m in music and dementia projects including helping to establish the Power of Music Fund with the National Academy of Social Prescribing (NASP). The Fund has distributed hundreds of small grants and created a Centre of Excellence. NASP will gather data on the cost savings music can make for the NHS through reductions in medication, GP appointments and hospital time. Hopefully this business case will be the key to securing long-term investment in music and dementia nationwide.