How to use music

Find music they love

If you want to use music to help live with dementia, tracking down the tunes that define you can be a great place to start. We all have a soundtrack to our lives.

Think about:

  • What is your favourite kind of music?

  • What songs get you dancing? Or singing? Or tapping your foot?

  • Is there music that fills you up with happiness or makes you shed a tear?

  • Is there a ‘special song’ that belongs to you and your partner (or an old flame?)

  • Is there a TV theme that takes you back to family nights on the sofa?

  • What music originates from the place you grew up?

  • What concerts or musicals have you been to?

Music and dementia charity Playlist for Life has many useful hints and ideas about searching for musical memories with your loved ones.

BBC Music Memories is also a fantastic resource to help you get started. It’s free and contains 30 second clips of tracks grouped under all kinds of biographical headings - where someone is from, favourite genres, hobbies and interests. Click through to some examples on the links below: